Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Swinckels Volmaakt

I bought this beer because the bottle is bad ass, but it's not a bad little Pilsner. Light and refreshing.

Swinckels Volmaakt - Bavaria Brouwerji - Lieshout, Netherlands

Meantime India Pale Ale

Very nice British IPA. Nose is primarily floral hops. Taste is citrus with a nice long dry and bitter finish.

Meantime India Pale Ale - Meantime - London England

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Surly Bitter Brewer

Decent little session beer. Nice hoppy nose with apricot and peach. Flavor is a little watery, but that is kind of expected at 4% ABV. Very drinkable.

Surly Bitter Brewer - Surly Brewing Company - Brooklyn Center, MN

Surly Hell

Nose is like walking through a fresh grassy meadow lined with hop vines. Taste is light and refreshing malt with hints of citrus and sweet fruit. Glad I bought a 4 pack.

Surly Hell - Surly Brewing Company - Brooklyn Center, MN

Monday, August 29, 2011

Southern Tier Creme Brûlée Stout

Wow this is delicious. If you like butterscotch you will love this beer. Totally a desert beer thought, can't really imagine just sipping this beer any time other than after dinner.

Southern Tier Creme Brûlée Stout - Southern Tier Brewing Company - Lakewood, New York

Life & Limb

Big rich, full, toasty nose with hints of wood, molasses, maple, hops, and alcohol. Flavor is similar. Big beer with big flavor. Definitely one to sip and enjoy slowly.

Life & Limb - Sierra Nevada/Dogfish Head Collaboration

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Napa Smith Organic IPA

Pretty nice IPA. Well balanced with a lot of caramel malt sweetness and bitter hop goodness.

Napa Smith Organic IPA - Napa Smith Brewery - Napa, CA

Holy Mackerel Panic Attack

This beer is billed as a Trippel & Saison fusion and that is pretty much what you get. The nose is yeast, sweet malt, dark fruit, and a little Saison earthy funkiness. Flavor is malty sweet up front followed by the Saison earthiness. Not dry at all though, very sticky feeling, And the 10% ABV is well hidden. Enjoyable.

Holy Mackerel Panic Attack - Gordash Brewing - Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Bell's Octoberfest

Nose is fresh grain with a little spice. Flavor is nice and malty with slight nobel hop bitterness. Well balanced and refreshing.

Bell's Octoberfest - Bell's Brewery - Kalamazoo, MI

Friday, August 26, 2011

Sierra Nevada Best of Beer Camp #16 Juniper Black Ale

Definitely pine & juniper in both the aroma and taste. Also some chocolate, rye, and dark malt.

Sierra Nevada Best of Beer Camp #16 Juniper Black Ale - Sierra Nevada Brewing Company - Chico, CA

Stillwater Vanilla Cream Ale

Like the bastard child of a light lager and a cream soda. Not bad.

Stillwater Vanilla Cream Ale - Thomas Creek Brewery - Greenville, SC

Founders Breakfast Stout

This one came curtosy of my bud Ryan's (@craft_Suds) beer cellar. Not sure the vintage, but I think it is an early 2010. It is like drinking a bitter & sweet chocolate covered expresso bean. Absolutely wonderful.

Founders Breakfast Stout - Founders Brewing Company - Grand Rapids, MI

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Schneider Aventinus

Nose is mainly clove. Flavor is clove, banana, spice, and creamy caramel malt. Very light and refreshing for a beer so dark.

Schneider Aventinus - Weissbierbrauerei G. Schneider & Sohn - Kelheim Germany


Fruity & Dry & Sour. Not as good as the Grand Cru, but still wonderfully delicious, and I have a whole 6 pack to enjoy later. :-)

Rodenbach - Brouwerji Rodenbach - Roeselare, Belgium

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Smuttynose Pumpkin Ale

This sucker went off like a well shook bottle of champagne. I lost about 4oz to overflow. Pumpkin spice aroma. Taste is pumpkin, allspice, cinnamon, a little Carmel and a bit of a hoppy finish. Not bad

Smuttynose Pumpkin Ale - Smuttynose Brewing Company - Portsmouth, NH

He'brew Hop Manna

Not much in the way of hoppiness, but a lot of caramel malt sweetness. Not a great IPA

He'brew Hop Manna - Shmaltz Brewing Company - San Francisco, CA

Laughing Dog Rocket Dog Rye IPA

Nose is more fruity than I expected. You can definitely taste the rye, but not overwhelming. I also taste lemon peel, citrus hops and a fruity malt sweetness. Pretty decent overall.

Laughing Dog Rocket Dog Rye IPA - Laughing Dog Brewing - Ponderay, ID

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Cigar City Jai Alai IPA

I am so excited that this beer is finally available in Georgia. So yummy and delicious. Beautiful hop aroma and flavors. Pine, citrus, tropical fruit, apricot with a good bit of caramel malts as well.

Cigar City Jai Alai IPA - Cigar City Brewing - Tampa, FL

Alba Scots Pine Ale

Wow, very different flavor. Like a spruce & pine tea mixed with a Scotch ale. I'm not quite sure what I think about it. Never had a beer that tasted quite like it. interesting.

Alba Scots Pine Ale - Williams Brothers Brewing Company - Scotland

Key West Southernmost Wheat

This claims to be brewed with key lime, so I was hoping for some nice lime flavor, but it has just the slightest hint of lime. Other than that it is a pretty standard wheat beer. Easy drinking and refreshing. I just wish they played up the key lime a little more.

Key West Southernmost Wheat - Florida Beet Company - Melbourne, FL

Monday, August 22, 2011

Great Divide Saint Bridget's Porter

Pretty solid Porter. Exactly what a porter should be IMO.

Great Divide Saint Bridget's Porter - Great divide Brewing Company - Denver, Co

Unita Crooked Line Tilted Smile Imperial Pilsner

Nose is grass and fresh hay. Taste is sweet, caramel and a ginger like flavor. Not bad by any means, but far too sweet for a traditional pilsner.

Unita Crooked Line Tilted Smile Imperial Pilsner - Unita Brewing Company - Salt Lake City, UT

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Victory Storm King Imperial Stout

Pretty solid imperial stout. A little up front hoppiness followed by coffee and caramel roasted malt flavors. Yum.

Victory Storm King Imperial Stout - Victory Brewing Company - Downingtown, PE

Smuttynose Homunculus

Sweet citrusy aroma orange, raisin, date and a little yeastiness. Flavor is sweet with the same flavors up front, but a nice dry finish. Nit the best Belgian golden ale I've had, but still pretty good.

Smuttynose Homunculus - Smutty Brewing Company - Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Wild Heaven Ode to Mercy

Roasted Malt, oak, caramel and more alcohol than should probably be present. Pretty flavorful, but not sure I would drink it very often.

Wild Heaven Ode to Mercy - Wild Heaven Craft Brewery - Decatur, GA


Like a farmhouse funk Armageddon, but is a good way. Lots of herbal and earthy flavors. Very drinkable even at 8%ABV.

Ommegeddon - Brewery Ommegang - Cooperstown, NY

Friday, August 19, 2011

Flower Monkey

My Honey Hibiscus Wit home brew. turned out excellent!

Flower Monkey - Drunken Monkey Brew House - Roswell, GA

Lagunitas A Little Sumpin' Wild Ale

I could smell the hops as soon as I opened the bottle. Aroma is all hops with a little sweet fruit. Taste Is citrus hops up front immediately followed by sweet fruit and malt, peach, apricot, caramel, & flowers.

Lagunitas A Little Sumpin' Wild Ale - Lagunitas Brewing Company - Petaluma, CA


Winner winner sour cherrie dinner. Taste is light sour cherries, tart, bubbly, and delicious. I could drink it all day.

Bacchus - Brouwerji Van Honsebrouck - Ingelmunster, Belgium

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Trappist Rochefort 10

Smells of rich toffee & sweet ripe fruit and tastes much the same with a little bit of chocolate and caramel thrown in. There is quite a bit of alcohol, but it is well hidden.

Trappist Rochefort 10 - Brasserie Rochefort - Rochefort, Belgium

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Shipyard Export Ale

Slightly grainy, slightly sweet, slightly hoppy, pretty much slightly everything.

Shipyard Export Ale - Shipyard Brewing Company - Portland, ME

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

La Caracole Troublette

Drank at The Fred Bar and again I forgot to take a picture.  Lots of bitter Orange flavor with mild hops and wheat.

La Caracole Troublette - La Caracole - Belgium

Verhaeghe Echte Kriekenbier

Drank this at the Fred Bar, but forgot to take a picture.  It was a really nice Kriek. Awesome cherry flavors but not overwhelming.

Verhaghe Echte Kriekenbier - Verhaeghe - Belgum

Rodenbach Grand Cru

Fantastic beer!

Rodenbach Grand Cru - Brouwerij Rodenbach - Belgium

Monday, August 15, 2011

RedHook ESB

Below average ESB. Just ok.

RedHook ESB - Redhook Brewery - Woodinville, WA

Lakefront IBA

It's pretty well known that I don't really care for black IPAs in general. This one is not horrible however. Lots of citrus and piney hop flavor.

Lakefront IBA - Lakefront Brewery - Milwaukee, WI

Allagash Confluence

This is one super delicious beer in my opinion. Very nice yeast and earthy hop nose. Taste is nice and dry and bubbly with hints of spice, apple, lemon, orange, and pear. Yumm

Allagash Confluence - Allagash Brewing Company - Portland, ME

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Red Brick Pale Ale

Spicy hops and sweet malt flavors. Nothing crazy good about it, but a decent Pale Ale.

Red Brick Pale Ale - Red Brick Company - Atlanta, GA

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Lost Abby Carnevale Ale

Ooohh damn that's good. Fresh bread, spice, lemon, lemon peel. I will be buying this again for sure.

The Lost Abby Carnevale Ale - The Lost Abby - San Marcos, CA

Friday, August 12, 2011

Red Brick Dog Days Ale

Clove, banana, wheat, spice, and nice. One of the better hefeweizens I have had this year.

Red Brick Dog Days Ale - Red Brick Company - Atlanta, GA

Redhook Long Hammer IPA

Rate beer gives this a 44. I think that is horribly low. It is a pretty nice little IPA. Well balanced and easy drinking. I would give it some where in the 75ish range.

Redhook Long Hammer IPA - Redhook Brewery - Wiodinville, WA

Full Sail Session Black

Nice roasted malt aroma. Taste is also roasted malt and a little sweet caramel. A bit like a light porter, but I wouldn't call it watered down. Easy drinking.

Full Sail Session Black - Full Sail Brewing Company - Hood Rivet, OR

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sierra Nevada Best of Beer Camp #29 Double IPA

Pretty well balanced DIPA nice piney hop kick, but not overwhelming. Throughly enjoyable.

Sierra Nevada Best of Beer Camp #29 Double IPA - Sierra Navada Brewing Company - Chico,Ca

Brooklyn Sorachi Ace

Brooklyn never fails to please my taste buds. Nice earthy hop and yeast aroma Taste is spice, coriander, orange peel, lemon an a little earthiness. AAA rating in my book.

Brooklyn Sorachi Ace - Brooklyn Brewery - Brooklyn, NY

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

St. Louis Kriek

Sweet & Sour cherries. Not bad at all, but there is a little artificial cherry flavor I could do without.

St. Louis Kriek - Castle Brewery - Van Hosenbrouck, Belgium

The Bruery Orchard White

Coriander, Orange Peel, Clove, Banana, Yeast, and that was all in the first sip. A nice refreshing beer.

The Bruery Orchard White - The Bruery - Placentia, CA

Cigar City Jose Marti Porter on French Oak

Too much Oak in my opinion. The nose has a nice chocolate maltiness, but that goodness is overshadowed in the flavor by the French Oak. Not bad, just a little too oaky for me. I had a little spill over in the photo. Oops.

Cigar City Jose Marti Porter on French Oak - Cigar City Brewing - Tampa, FL

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Scheldebrouwerij Hop Ruiter

Coriander and floral hops! Not bad, but not crazy good either.

Scheldebrouwerij Hop Ruiter - Scheldebrouwerij - Meer, Belgium

Monk's Cafe Flemish Sour Red Ale

Not quite a Red Poppy Ale, but close. I enjoyed it very much and will be buying more.

Monk's Cafe Flemish Sour Red Ale - Brouwerji Van Steenberge - Ertvelde, Belgium

Deus Brut Des Flanders

Crisp and bubbly with an aroma of sweet fruit and yeast. Flavor is spicy sweet with a body much like a champagne.

Deus Brut Des Flanders - Brouwerji Bosteels - Buggenhout, Belgium

Monday, August 8, 2011

Pink Killer

Silly beer. Weird sweet grapefruit, lemon, and a sweet bubblegum like flavor. Proves that every beer from Belgium isn't good.

Pink Killer - Brasserie de Silly - Silly, Belgium

Rogue Brutal IPA

Pretty well balanced IPA. Nice citrus, pine, and earthy flavors complemented with sweet malt. Very enjoyable.

Rogue Brutal IPA - Rogue Ales - Newport, OR