Monday, December 12, 2011

Stone 11.11.11 Vertical Epic

Nose is bread, yeast, pepper, and a touch of cinnamon. Flavor is sweet bready malt, pepper, & cinnamon. The chiles come through a bit in the finish. Just O.K.

Stone 11.11.11 Vertical Epic - Stone Brewing Company - Escondido, CA


  1. I think that the Vertical Epic line is all... JUST OK!
    Stone makes some kick ass beer, these just don't seem to be as good as their normal lineup!
    Great idea thought, and it is likely what started me thinking about building verticals of beer that normally wouldn't.

  2. I thought that 09-09-09 was one of the best beers I have ever drank, while the others have been ok. (But with drinking all beer, just a personal preference). I have only had a sip of 11, so I look forward to trying more of it.
